Monday, October 11, 2010

Can You Drink Alcohol Kre-alkalyn

Many projects

Hello. Lately
not edit entries with the same frequency and routine as before. Do not believe I'm not working, is that the house and the new blog Shabby are taking most of the time I can dedicate to the minis. Which also follow the other blog, know that I have not given up (to the left is a link to the blog MiniShabby).
The truth is that I'm on several things at the same time, the assembly of the new house, I'm working with paper and some wood. I have a project for Christmas in pasta, but as you know the Fimo and I have our disagreements, so I'm taking it a lot of patience. If successful will tell you so.
While here are some jars for the kitchen, although not finished, I am very happy of how they are staying. And I wanted to share with you. Thanks.


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