Thursday, February 3, 2011

Typical Mpg For A Mini Van

Serendipity ♥ My definition of life and I ♥

La vida esta echa de cosas que aveces uno no entiende .. de experiencias difíciles y aveces maravillosas de cosas inexplicables de personas únicas en nuestras vidas pero que aveces desaparecen y otras permanecen con nosotros toda la vida .. de días que uno si pudiera repetiría una y otra vez y otros días que simplemente borraríamos para siempre .. si así es la vida es tan extraña pero tan maravillosa por el simple echo de vivirla a lado de las personas one AMA. ♥

I would like to be in those days I will remember and have wiped out many other days of my short life, but bad and good that the memory and eh lived without but I would like to learn from them but I'm so stubborn that often I make the same mistakes. It is difficult to live a perfect or "normal" my life is none of both. I

difficult and rather complicated many know me and know I'm moody and depressive that word defines me more than they like me because I get depressed so easily and go back to normal .. you know this person happy and happy to be her. STRANGE

But too much of my past and longing so much for my future that I complicate and lose myself in the longing and loss. I would like to enjoy more and think less.

Met a couple of years ago a guy who lived always thinking about things more than what devido and often complicated things the same. I think I become something like eh .. think and think and I think back to everything that happens in my life and I often get depressed and I'm glad I complicate my life for it.

but at the end of the day and when the lights of my house are turned off when only silence with me understand that we still have one more day to repair what they done wrong that day aya .. wrong or wanted to try it again but even so.

Life is that's getting up morning with the hope of replacing the things that a day before we take to lose or make mistakes and start learning from all possible ways to live life.


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